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North Korean Air Force 1950s

North Korea's Air Force in the Korean Conflict

A History of Dominance and Outgunning

Outclassing the South

When North Korea launched its invasion in June 1950, its Air Force significantly outclassed that of the South. Numbering approximately 150 MiG-15s and Il-10s, the North Korean air fleet dominated the skies over the peninsula, controlling the air space and enabling ground forces to advance swiftly.

Soviet Support and Limited Effectiveness

Despite the Soviet Union's support, North Korea's Air Force faced challenges. Outnumbered by the Allied air power, primarily composed of USAF F-86 Sabres, the North Koreans struggled to maintain air superiority. Nevertheless, they managed to provide crucial support for their ground forces, carrying out bombing and reconnaissance missions.

The Battle of Suwon Airfield

The Battle of Suwon Airfield on June 27, 1950, marked the first aerial engagement of the Korean War. Over Kimpo Airfield, North Korean and Allied forces clashed in a fierce battle. The outcome favored the Allies, but the battle demonstrated the North Koreans' tenacity and determination in the face of superior opposition.
