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Dedicated To Youth Ministry

Scripture Union: A Global Ministry Empowering Youth

Dedicated to Youth Ministry

Scripture Union International, a global Christian organization, is committed to introducing youth to Jesus and supporting their spiritual growth. Through various ministries, Scripture Union aims to foster a healthy habit of personal Bible reading and nurture young people's faith.

Autonomous and Volunteer-Driven

Scripture Union operates as an autonomous organization in each country, united by Scripture Union International. It primarily relies on volunteers to carry out its mission, demonstrating its dedication to community involvement.

Global Reach

Scripture Union's reach extends to over 120 countries worldwide, where it actively introduces children, youth, and families to Jesus and helps them deepen their faith.

Vision for a New Generation

As a Christian charity, Scripture Union's vision is to see a new generation of children and young people with a vibrant personal faith in Jesus. Its programs and initiatives are designed to empower youth to explore the Bible, respond to Jesus, and grow in their faith through a close relationship with Christ.
